New Zealand Speech " Hiroshima Day "

New Zealand & Japan

New Zealand is one of countries that it exists in the southern hemisphere. The shape of the country is similar to Japan, but the size is three quarters of Japan. The languages are English and Maori. It is easy to live due to good public safety and their climate. On the face of these, New Zealand is quite different from Japan. However, There are some points in common with both countries. I would like to tell about some information that compared the two.
● Traffic rules ●
New Zealand is a motorized society and people always go school or company by cars and buses. The almost 80% cars of New Zealand is made from Japan. New Zealand's drivers have to drive left side of road the same as Japan, so it is easy for Japanese to drive at New Zealand. Moreover, the fee of highway road is free in New Zealand. It is very facility and convenient, isn't it??. However, be careful about illegal parking, it is kept strict control over.
● Gesture ●
There are a lot of gestures in New Zealand and Japan. If they act same a gesture, it mean sometimes same meaning, but sometimes different meaning. For example, if you use a gesture that turns away your eyes from other people, the action means polite in New Zealand, but escape or indifference in Japan. Another example, if you shrug your shoulders, the action means people do not understand in New Zealand, but indicates boredom or tiredness in Japanese. Last example, if you hug someone,the action means show welcome, kindness and thanks.This is a common to the two contries.
Danjiri Festival

Autumn Festival

M o v i e s

Do you like watching movies? I do! I saw many movies during summer vacation with my friends. Those movies I saw were Enchanted, Bio Hazard3, Sweeney Todd, Night at the Museum, High School Musical2, Spider Man3 and The Devil Wear Prada and so on. I’d like to tell you a bit about two of the movies that I pleased. “ Charlie’s Angels ” and " The Devil wears PRADA " .
“ Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle ” (Jap. ver)
■ Story ■
There are three beautiful women, their name are Natalie, Dylan and Alex. They are detectives called “ Angels ” and work under the command of their boss, Charlie who has never appeared the public. Angels got a new mission to rescue American police who was kidnap from group of terrorist and angels stole into a secretary base. They defeated the enemies, accomplished their job brilliantly. However, there is true enemy behind the scenes. Angels chased it.
This is a action scene I like the best.
■ Main Cast ■
Natalie Cook ( Cameron Diaz)
Dyran Sanders ( Drew Barrymore )
Alex Munday ( Lucy Liu )
The reason that I saw the movie, I like Cameron Diaz☆ She is an actress I like the best! I saw a lot of movies she acted, example “ The Mask “, ” There’s something about Mary “, “ Gangs of New York “, and " In Her Shoes ". I want to see another movie that she acted, “ The Holiday “. Moreover, I like action movies, so I recommend “ Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle ”.
Another movie, " The Devil wears PRADA " (Jap .ver). That is a success story of woman.
■ Story ■
Andrea was a woman who wore dowdy clothes and was not interesting about fashion, but she was intelligent. She wanted to be a journalist and was intelligent. She wanted to be a journalist and was interviewed for a job. However, the company was a publishing company of fashion," RUNWAY " that was a famous magazine. The chief editor, Miranda was a strict career woman. She hire Andrea and pushed her around, But Andrea never gave up. She became fashionable gradually and did her jobs well.
■ Main Cast ■
Andrea Sachs ( Anne Hathaway )
Miranda Priestly ( Meryl Streep )
I think the movie cheer women up ! If women see the movie, they think do not give up easily. Moreover I like the soundtruck of the movie.
Summer Vacation

The second half of my vacation was spent in Nagoya. After I came back from my home town, I participated in the summer camp of NUFS. It was four days’ camp. The first day, we leaved a NUFS and went to Mie. We went to the Ise Shrine and had some famous foods example Matsuzaka meat bun and Akafuku rice cake. Second day, we played a lot of games that have matches divide some teams, example the game of telephone and the quiz game etc…That night we watched a movie, “ Coach Carter ” that is success story of one of basket ball team. I was moved to tears by the movie. Third day, we played a skit. Our skit's title was “ Yakuza boss is interviewing new gang star” and my friend and I were embarrassed at the title because thet roles was difficult for us to play, but we did our best.. The night, we chatted and played card game all night. In addition to those, we had English classes everyday during the camp. Final day, we went back to NUFS. I really enjoyed the camp.
Word Count : 322 words


Example of oil refining:
Blossoms・・・chamomile and rose
Leaves・・・rosemary and peppermint
Blossoms and leaves ・・・lavender
Pericarps・・・lemon and grapefruit etc..
Aromatherapy can be useful for...
● Cosmetics
● Maintenance of health
● Recovering from exhaustion
You had better use several situations.I show you some good material of aroma.
If you feel・・・
○Psychological stress: use peppermint,lemon and rosemary
○Emotional instability: use garden geranium and bergamot
○Downturn: use grapefruit and jasmine
○Stress, tension and sleeplessness: use chamomile and lavender
○Apathy: use grapefruit, lemongrass and rosemary
There are a lot of aromatherapy goods, and I recommend you goods of candle type.
Healthy Food

Yogurt is one of dairy products. It includes protein more than milk, moreover it is easy to work digestion and absorption due to lactic acid bacterium. Milk and yogurt also include mineral which is important to grow and keep the maintenance of health example calcium which helps our bones to grow, but it bis difficult to take in. Absorptivity oh being included are 55% into milk, 70% into yogurt, 20% into vegetable and 35% into fish. So, yogurt make good balance between probity bacteria and bad bacteria.
It is no especially good time to have yogurt, you have it whenever you want, but you had better have it every day as much as you can, then, you can get good effect.
If you have yogurt, you can figure out a good way to have it. Of course you can have it plain, but I recommend you to add something taste , example fruits , jam , honey and oligosaccharide etc... Let's find your best taste !
How to make yogurt
1, Boil the milk and wait to get cold from 30 degree to 45 degree
2, Mix a little old yogurt into it
3, Keep degree and leave it one night
The site , Mülle is company which make some yogurt products.
Another site, Gutsy Gourment shows you some recipes of yogurt foods.
Bulgaria is a dairy products company of Japan.
S o c c e r

K a r a o k e
Today, I went karaoke in Hoshigaoka with Okinawan friends. We sang songs for 3hours. It was so exciting because I like singing and I enjoyed talking about our hometown. I want to back home while I chatted with them. I will back home next month, so I looking forward seeing my family and friends. I want to have Okinawan food too!
S l e e p
D a n c e
P a r t y
Hi★ Today is center of week, so I am very tired .(´д`;) But! I had good time because we had a party of contacts between different cultures at building NO.7 of NUFS. We talked with Dion who is from Australia. He is good at speaking Japanese very well because he has learned Japanese for 15years. Wow! He is so kind and funny and we had very good time.(´∀`♪) I want to make friends of foreign counties and speak to improve my English skill. I will do my best at NUFS.

Hi ♪ I went NUFS to watch movie with my friend.(*゜Н`)ノ The title of movie is ”The PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS” that Will Smith play main role. His son , Jaden Smith is so cute★ I recomend it to my friends who are disappointed in thire life.I want to get happiness, so I will try hard everything! I introduce you the official site (Japanise edition)of this movie.
I will do my homework amd make my dinner* Adieu!
F r i d a y ★
Ya-ho(=∀`)ノ Today is Friday゜*;’★+. I love Friday because weekend will start! In American history class, I gave back my midterm exam... It was very aeful Σ(゜д゜ノ)ノ I will study hard for for next class★This night, I will do my homework of next week in order to enjoy my weekend.(´∀`♪) My plan is watching DVD with my friend at NUFS. We will watch a moving movie, so we will need a handkerchief.ゝ(;∀;) I am looking forward to watching it.(≧∀≦)b Well, see you♪
Clowns perform not only at the circus, stage, amusement park but also the disaster stricken area and the hospital. “Hospital Clown” means that the clown activities at hospital. In Nagoya, there is an association of Hospital Clown. It is a corporation of NPO. The managing director is Omune Kousuke who is works as crown K. He visited Patch Adams who is doctor and become a clown making laugh to cheer his patients. They have performed together. Patch Adams said “ Humor is the best medicine.” This experience has an influence him to start Hospital Clown in Japan. “Hospital Crown” became TV drama this March.
(2) Comedy & other funny stuff
Second, this film is cats act. Animal is so cute but sometimes they do comical action. We are healed by them action.(★‘∀^*$)+♪゜