S o c c e r

K a r a o k e
Today, I went karaoke in Hoshigaoka with Okinawan friends. We sang songs for 3hours. It was so exciting because I like singing and I enjoyed talking about our hometown. I want to back home while I chatted with them. I will back home next month, so I looking forward seeing my family and friends. I want to have Okinawan food too!
S l e e p
D a n c e
P a r t y
Hi★ Today is center of week, so I am very tired .(´д`;) But! I had good time because we had a party of contacts between different cultures at building NO.7 of NUFS. We talked with Dion who is from Australia. He is good at speaking Japanese very well because he has learned Japanese for 15years. Wow! He is so kind and funny and we had very good time.(´∀`♪) I want to make friends of foreign counties and speak to improve my English skill. I will do my best at NUFS.

Hi ♪ I went NUFS to watch movie with my friend.(*゜Н`)ノ The title of movie is ”The PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS” that Will Smith play main role. His son , Jaden Smith is so cute★ I recomend it to my friends who are disappointed in thire life.I want to get happiness, so I will try hard everything! I introduce you the official site (Japanise edition)of this movie.
I will do my homework amd make my dinner* Adieu!
F r i d a y ★
Ya-ho(=∀`)ノ Today is Friday゜*;’★+. I love Friday because weekend will start! In American history class, I gave back my midterm exam... It was very aeful Σ(゜д゜ノ)ノ I will study hard for for next class★This night, I will do my homework of next week in order to enjoy my weekend.(´∀`♪) My plan is watching DVD with my friend at NUFS. We will watch a moving movie, so we will need a handkerchief.ゝ(;∀;) I am looking forward to watching it.(≧∀≦)b Well, see you♪
Clowns perform not only at the circus, stage, amusement park but also the disaster stricken area and the hospital. “Hospital Clown” means that the clown activities at hospital. In Nagoya, there is an association of Hospital Clown. It is a corporation of NPO. The managing director is Omune Kousuke who is works as crown K. He visited Patch Adams who is doctor and become a clown making laugh to cheer his patients. They have performed together. Patch Adams said “ Humor is the best medicine.” This experience has an influence him to start Hospital Clown in Japan. “Hospital Crown” became TV drama this March.
(2) Comedy & other funny stuff
Second, this film is cats act. Animal is so cute but sometimes they do comical action. We are healed by them action.(★‘∀^*$)+♪゜